Boost Your Productivity with Top VSCode Extensions 2024

Boost Your Productivity with Top VSCode Extensions 2024

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a powerful and versatile code editor that can be customized to fit your individual needs. One of the best ways to do this is to install extensions. With so many extensions available, it can be tough to know where to start. That's why I've compiled a list of my top 20 favorite VSCode extensions for boosting your productivity in 2024.

1. Better Comments

Image of Better Comments extension in VSCode

Writing good comments is essential for making your code understandable and maintainable. Better Comments helps you write better comments by providing a variety of features, such as code annotations, TODO lists, and syntax highlighting.


Image of Bookmarks extension in VSCode

Bookmarks are a great way to keep track of important lines of code. With the Bookmarks extension, you can easily add and manage bookmarks in your code editor.

3. Code Spell Checker

Image of Code Spell Checker extension in VSCode

Typos can be a real pain, especially when they're in your code. The Code Spell Checker extension helps you catch and fix typos before they cause problems.

4. CodeSnap

Image of CodeSnap extension in VSCode

Sharing code snippets can be a great way to get help or collaborate with others. CodeSnap makes it easy to take screenshots of your code and share them with others.

5. CodiumAI

Image of CodiumAI extension in VSCode

CodiumAI is an AI-powered code assistant that can help you with a variety of tasks, such as code completion, testing, and debugging.

6. Error Lens

Error Lens makes it easy to see errors and warnings in your code. It highlights errors and warnings in the editor, and it also provides additional information about the error, such as the line number and file name.

7. Git History

Image of Git History extension in VSCode

Git History is a great way to visualize the history of your Git repository. It shows you a timeline of commits, branches, and tags.

8. GitLens

Image of GitLens extension in VSCode

GitLens is a powerful Git extension that provides a variety of features, such as blame annotations, code reviews, and branch management.

9. GitHub Copilot

Image of GitHub Copilot extension in VSCode

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered tool that can help you write code. It can complete code snippets, suggest functions, and even write entire blocks of code for you.

10. Icon Themes

Image of Icon Themes extension in VSCode

Icon themes can make your code editor more visually appealing. There are a variety of icon themes available, so you can find one that matches your style.

11. Indent Rainbow

Image of Indent Rainbow extension in VSCode

Indent Rainbow makes it easy to see the indentation levels in your code. It uses different colors to highlight different levels of indentation.

12. Live Share

Live Share is a collaboration extension that allows you to work on code with others in real time. You can see each other's cursors and edits, and you can even chat with each other.

13. Multiple Cursor Case Preserve

Image of Multiple Cursor Case Preserve extension in VSCode

Multiple Cursor Case Preserve is a handy extension that allows you to edit multiple lines of code at the same time, while preserving the case of the original text.

14. Path Intellisense

Image of Path Intellisense extension in VSCode

Path Intellisense helps you autocomplete file paths and directory names. This can save you time and prevent errors.

15. Peacock

Image of Peacock extension in VSCode

Peacock allows you to customize the colors of your VSCode editor. You can change the color of the sidebar, the status bar, and even the lines of code themselves.

16. Prettier

Prettier is a code formatter that automatically formats your code according to a set of rules. This can help you improve the consistency and readability of your code.

17. Project Manager

Image of Project Manager extension in VSCode

Project Manager helps you organize your projects in VSCode. You can create project folders, add files to your projects, and launch projects from the VSC

18. Tabnine

Image of Tabnine extension in VSCode

Tabnine is an AI-powered autocomplete wizard that goes beyond basic suggestions. It learns from your coding style and the vast open-source codebase to predict your next move!

19. TODO Highlight

Image of TODO Highlight extension in VSCode

Never miss a crucial "to-do" again! TODO Highlight shines a spotlight on all your TODOs and other annotations with vibrant colors, making them impossible to overlook.

20. Todo Tree

Image of Todo Tree extension in VSCode

Todo Tree organizes your annotations across your entire workspace, presenting them in a neat and searchable file tree.


This is just the tip of the iceberg! VSCode offers a universe of extensions waiting to be explored. Experiment, find what works best for you, and build your personal productivity powerhouse. Let me know if you have any hidden gems you'd like to share!

Happy coding!